IELTS Academic Writing

Computer delivered IELTS

The organization conducting IELTS is continually improving IELTS, which is the most common English test for higher education and global migration worldwide. They want to enhance the IELTS experience for the test takers and participants. Along with paper-based test IELTS provides the ease of computer-based assessment.

IELTS on paper

The only distinction you can find between the two is that IELTS paper-based occurs at a larger venue that usually includes 100-150 candidates. The results are published in 13 calendar days.

IELTS on computer

At one of the official test centers, you can answer the Listening, Reading, and Writing sections on a computer. The Speaking exam will still be face-to-face exam with an IELTS Examiner as this is the most successful way to evaluate your speaking skills.
You’ll now have more test dates to choose from computer-delivered IELTS and your results will be published in five to seven calendar days. Computer-delivered IELTS gives you flexibility

It should be noted that both CBT and PBT options continue to be available to test-takers.

computerYou can take an IELTS test on your paper or computer. IELTS as a test remains the same, but now machines will also perform the test, allowing multiple sessions within a single day, and quicker results delivery. You will take the same IELTS test, with the same test content and structure.CBT developments are likely to find more popularity around the world as innovations continue to develop, and test-takers continue to seek better and more efficient assessment pathways.

What’s new with IELTS exam delivered by a computer?

  • Now you can highlight text and make notes.
  • Save time by copying and pasting your text and notes straight away.
  • With your questions, you can quickly browse forward and backward
  • To help maintain track of the word count, use the Writing test’s automated word counter.

The only difference is that you can choose to type in or write your responses on paper – whichever suits you best

Here are the Reasons why IELTS computer based assessment is a better choice.

1. The examination is much more practical

IELTS exam on a computer makes the exam much more convenient. For some reason, it seemed more straightforward and less complicated to book the computer-based IELTS exam all the way. Instead of a very lengthy email with lists of DOs and DON’Ts, I was instead met with a fundamental set of instructions.

2. The test center is modern

The test centre for computer based IELTS exam are modern and have futuristic infrastructure. They have latest version of computers and high speed internet connection for smooth conduct of the exam.

3. Now writing is much simpler

As compared to writing on paper, computer-based IELTS is much easier to attempt.
Here are the reasons why IELTS on the computer is much more straightforward:

  • It is much easier to type than to write.
  • Typing is much quicker than manual writing.
  • You need not count your words.
  • You can rewrite sentences and restructure paragraphs by typing them.

4. You have a choice

It is important to understand that you have the option to take a computer-based test or a paper-based test. Some people may be concerned about their ability to type in, or may get tired by looking at the computer screen for too long. Some could be dissatisfied with technology or maybe unfamiliar with it. If so, the option to take a paper-based test is still open.

5. Use the headphones to focus

Use your headphones while you’re writing, or if you’re doing the reading test. I found this very helpful as it stopped any noise — not that there’s a lot of noise in the room with just 14 people — but that helped me to focus on my reading and writing, as you’re allowed to use the headphones during the IELTS exam.

6. Faster IELTS test results

The computer based IELTS test provides faster results as compared to the paper based IELTS exam. You will get your results in 6 to 7 days in a computer based IELTS exam. Whereas, the paper based IELTS exam will provide the results in 13-15 days. With computer based IELTS exam, you get the results earlier and can take the required actions accordingly.

Read about best IELTS Exam Day Tips.


Keep in mind that although the delivery method is different, the IELTS test is the same in several significant ways, including the difficulty level, how it is graded, the material, the timing, the question structure, as well as the security around the test and on the test day. All of these things remain the same, no matter what test format you take and where you take it. Regardless of the option you choose for your IELTS test, remember that you have a choice and that the main aspects of the test will remain the same.

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