Before knowing about Writing IELTS complex sentences, we must understand the sentence and purpose of writing sentences in grammar. The sentence is defined as a group of words, phrases, or idioms, making complete sense. The sentence written by any individual should be specific and accurate. Vocabulary and grammar must be correct. The purpose of writing sentences either in essays, scripts, articles, etc. is that the sense of sentences and meaning should be correctly punctuated and cohesive. For writing complex sentences in IELTS, any individual must be familiar with the writing structure of different sentences i.e., what is the complex sentence and when should we use such sentences and also how to write such complex sentences. The compound sentence is a complex sentence with one independent and one dependent clause, respectively. There are different structures for writing such complex sentences.
The purpose of writing IELTS Complex sentences

How do we use complex sentences?
Complex sentences show relationships between clauses such as cause and effect, contrast and time relationships. Such sentences can explain the logic or ideas of the complicated sentences or can replicate the pattern of thinking of a deep thinker. The complex sentences can be written while taking into consideration different clauses.
1. Relative clauses
Such clauses are used in complex sentences to refer to the subject and verb and the information between the two. The words like who, what, which are often referred to describe the type of essential information we are talking about.
2. Subordinate clause
The subordinate clauses are described as noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, and adverb or are referred to as subject or object of another clause. They are made by connecting independent clause with a dependent one with words like as, because, until, though, although, etc.
3. Conditional clause
In such clauses, the condition of the main clause is checked IE The factual implications or hypothetical consequences, for Example, the sentences connected by if can show three different conditions as follows
a) Zero conditional
Zero conditional are used to talk about true conditions. For Example- Nowadays, people are using masks while going outside..
First conditional are used to talk about things in the present or future. For Example- If the fee structure of schools will continue to hike at such alarming rates, then it will lead to a revolt from the parents.
The second conditional is used to describe the condition which is impossible. For Example, the sun will never rise in the west.
d) Third conditional
Third conditional are used to speculate about some past events that we regret. For Example- If people had been informed about the storm and cyclone predictions earlier, then there wouldn’t have been such a loss of lives and property.
How to score band 7 by writing IELTS complex sentences?
To score well in IELTS Complex writing sentences the individual of academic and general professional should follow the basic rules and strategy of writing. Such strategies can be explained as follows-
The criteria for writing descriptive, informative, cohesive &coherence complex sentences depends upon the following strategies and concepts-.
Task achievement
Addresses all parts of the task
Presents a clear position throughout the response
Presents, extends and supports main ideas
Coherence &cohesion
- Logically organizes ideas and information; there is a clear progression throughout
- Uses a range of cohesive devices
Lexical resource
- Uses a good range of vocabulary to allow few precision and flexibility.
- Uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation
Grammatical range and accuracy
- Uses a variety of complex structures
- Produces frequent error-free sentences
- Has good control of grammar and punctuation
It is not difficult to score well in IELTS by writing complex sentences. Any individual of academic or general professional should learn at first the basics of grammar before knowing about the different strategy and rules of writing complex sentences. Once the basics are understood, the person could easily write IELTS complex sentences.
For more information, read our IELTS Writing Tips !