IELTS preparation Tips

How to ace speaking task 2 for IELTS

IELTS exam tests a person on four key sections of language: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Faring well in the speaking part in IELTS can be a daunting task for some people. It is because the test taker is supposed to speak about his or her various experiences and topics. Also, the test taker has to speak for a comparatively long duration of time. In IELTS Speaking task 2, the test taker can be asked to speak about anything: his or her experience of the last trip, favourite book and author, or role model.
In IELTS Speaking task 2, a cue card consisting of the topic will be given to you. After that, you will get a minute to think about the topic and write your points if any. Then you will speak about the topic for a minute or two. Your examiner will not ask you any questions while you will be speaking.

However, the examiner may ask some questions once you are done speaking about the topic.

What does IELTS Speaking task 2 test?

In a way, you are expected to deliver a speech in the IELTS Speaking task 2. The primary purpose of it is to evaluate the taker on his or her fluency of language, usage of semantic words, coherency, grammatical correctness, and pronunciation. The test taker is expected to speak and present ideas confidently and clearly.

Tips to ace IELTS Speaking task 2

You can easily ace the IELTS Speaking task 2 by following the below-mentioned tips:

1. Prepare a proper strategy

Strategizing is the best thing for acing any exam. Utilize that one minute, which you get before speaking, for organizing your ideas about the topic. You should think about what you are going to speak and note down your points. A good plan will be to start with a brief introduction to the topic, followed by some more information about it.

Then you can mention extra details about the topic, like its history, your opinion on it and how it influences your plans or goals. This will help you in speaking confidently and expressing your ideas clearly.

2. Manage the Time

  The IELTS Speaking task 2 is of 3 to 4 minutes. You should utilise every minute properly. Especially the one minute you get before you speak, you should utilise it properly to think about ideas that you are going to speak about.

If you have 3 to 4 points to speak about, then do not spend more than 40 seconds on elaborating each point. Also, do not speak either too fast or too slow. You should maintain a moderate speed and should be able to express yourself clearly.

3. Elaborate your points or ideas

You should adequately analyse your ideas or points, which you are going to speak. To see which point or idea is necessary, you will need to break it down and critically analyse them. Using the ideas at their face value is inadvisable. A thorough inspection of your ideas will help you skip the irrelevant components immediately. This way, you will be speaking about points that are relevant to your topic.

4. Proper Preparation

Speaking about a topic with confidence and in fluent English can be somehow tricky. Therefore, you should prepare well for this part of the test. You can opt for coaching from an IELTS trainer who will help you to prepare in a structured manner.
An IELTS trainer can assess your weak areas and accordingly guide you to improve those weak areas. Also, you can go through many useful tips and tricks available online. Try speaking in English in day-to-day life. It will also help in improving your English speaking skills.


For getting the perfect score in IELTS Speaking task 2, you need to work hard for it. A lot of practice and strategic planning goes into the preparation of IELTS Speaking task 2. Acing this part of the test is not as difficult as it seems if you prepare for it properly.

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