IELTS Exam Day Tips
IELTS full form is that International English language testing system (IELTS). It is the world’s most famous English language skills test for study, work and migration. IELTS has been established by some of the world’s top language testing experts and will test your new job or study placement abroad with the full range of English skills required for success. IELTS exam consist of four sections: IELTS listening, IELTS reading, IELTS writing, and IELTS speaking. Read below about IELTS exam day tips:
1. Get on time and be ready
Find out exactly where the exam will take place before the day of your test. Analyze how much time it will take to get at the test location. On your IELTS exam day, it is advised that you arrive early at the center so that you have sufficient time to check-in and go through all procedures.
Arriving early will give you ample time for registration, getting the identification check done, taking your picture for your IELTS test report form, checking your personal items, and going to your test room. You may not be permitted to take the exam if you arrive late.
2. Eat healthy food and stay hydrated
The essential meal of the day is breakfast. This gets the brain to work and the neurons to fire. Focusing on the exam becomes easier if you have a good breakfast. Make sure you eat something healthy like yogurt, eggs, grains, oats or fruits. You must not eat anything too heavy so that you do not feel sleepy during the examination.
The IELTS exam period (Listening, Reading & Writing) is of 2 hours and 40 minutes. There’s no break in between. Be sure you take proper rest and eat healthy food that avoids laziness.
Before the test, drink enough water. You may even bring water to the examination hall, but the bottle must be visible to the invigilators. It is forbidden to bring food into the test place.
3. Get your ID checked in the Exam hall
When your ID has been checked, your picture was taken, and your items checked in a secure room, you can go to your test room. In the test room, you need to again get your passport checked by the concerned person in the exam hall. He or She will also take your digital fingerprints. After that, a desk that will have your name on it will be assigned to you. At your test desk, there will be a pencil or two, as well as an eraser. You will also get a scratchpad where you can take notes during the examination. At the exam hall, you will not be able to carry anything except your passport and water bottle.
The water bottle must be transparent, and there must be no labels on it. The water bottle must be transparent, and there must be no labels on it. If there is something you can’t hear or are confused about, raise your hand, and the invigilator will help you.
4. Keep all the essentials ready
It’s best to pack your bag the night before the exam, including your passport and snacks. You don’t want to run around last-minute on the test day morning, trying to find the essential documents you require. You will not be allowed to sit in the exam hall without the necessary documents. Please remember to check your bag twice in the morning before leaving for the test place.
Packing some healthy snacks such as fruits and nuts is also a great idea. Between the first part of the IELTS test and the speaking test, there will be a break and, eating healthy snacks will help you to remain energized.
5. Tips for exam hall
The test supervisor can guide you to your seat when it is time to enter the test hall. You don’t have to write any notes before the commencement of the exam. You are not allowed to speak with any other candidates. If you have a query, put up your hand, and a staff member will help you. On your desk, yourID, pens or pencils, eraser, and a scratchpad will be available.
6. Be aware of the Time period
The test will start with a 60-minute writing part. This is followed by reading, which is of 60 minutes as well and followed by listening, which takes about 30 minutes. Between these three test sections, there will be no break. You can’t leave your seat until all the papers are collected, and you’re told to leave. You have to wait quietly if you finish the test early until you are advised to leave. You are not permitted to take any papers with you when you leave the exam hall. You will be informed about the speaking test’s time and place.
For more information about IELTS Exam !
Do follow the above-mentioned IELTS exam day tips for the smooth conduct of your exam. Keep the above tips in mind and take the exam with a calm and composed mind to fare well in the IELTS exam.