IELTS Preparation tips to get your desired IELTS Band Score
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS), with more than three million tests taken in the past year, is the world’s most popular high-stakes English language proficiency test for study work and migration. More than 10,000 organizations in 140 countries around the world accept the IELTS tests, including higher education institutions, employers, professional associations, and governments. You need to get the perfect IELTS Band Score in IELTS exam, in order to study in your dream college or work in your dream country.
How does IELTS work?
IELTS was developed by some of the world’s leading language testing experts and will test your new job or study placement abroad with the full range of English skills required for success.In order to get the perfect IELTS Band Score you should focus on each section individually.
You will be tested on the elements below:
IELTS Listening
IELTS Reading
- IELTS Writing
IELTS Speaking
Essential IELTS Preparation Tips
Here are the most essential IELTS Preparation Tips which can be helpful to achieve your desired IELTS band score :
1. Improve Vocabulary
It is one of the most essential IELTS preparation tips to achieve the good IELTS Score. English learners are taught as much as possible to put words into the proper context. You could learn to do this with frequent reading. The more words that you are exposed to, the better the vocabulary is. As you read, pay careful attention to words that you don’t recognize and highlight with a marker, or underline them. You should strive to find out their definitions from the context that supports them. See the words up in the dictionary after that. Read and listen to daunting things such as news in the English language so you’ll be introduced to many new words. Practice using the new word once you have learned it.
2. Enhance your writing skills
You can improve your writing skills by time to time practicing writing letters, essays etc. in English. You can write them on a file card, which you can use for reference later. To start your sound-related memory, you can say the word resoundingly, and relate the word to the words you surely know. For example, “immense,” which implies terrible, has an enormous, immense, and vast meaning comparable to the terms. These IELTS preparation tips will be very helpful to prepare for the IELTS exam.
3. Improve Fluency & Pronunciation
The speaking portion is divided into three parts. The areas include a formal interview, quick talk, and free interview. You will be questioned about 2 to 3 brief issues that will last 4 to 5 minutes on a familiar concept. In the brief talk section, be prepared to give a talk for 2 minutes. You’ll be given 1 minute to get ready for discussion. It will take 3 to 4 minutes to complete the entire section. The following are tips on what’s being tested and how to plan for it in IELTS speaking. Consistently practicing everyday will help you to improve your speaking skills.
4. Learn From Your Mistake
Another useful IELTS preparation tips which can be helpful to get good IELTS score is to learn from your mistakes and be mindful of your strengths and weaknesses. As a teacher, I gave handwritten feedback to students who have submitted samples of writing with the same errors!
Take your time to realize your mistakes. Are they all spelling related? If so, then practice the correct writing of these misspelled words. Do you commit errors related to verb tense? Then go back and relearn verb tenses and how to use them properly. Are your errors related to vocabulary? You pick up my point. Take your mistakes as opportunities to recognize, correct and avoid making them again.
5. Structure Essay Writing
Build your writing skills by learning to structure a paragraph by essay. Practice the essay questions in reading and understanding. Going off-topic is simple, or not answering the question directly. Read a lot of different sample essay questions and write sample responses. The more practice you do to write responses to various IELTS essay questions, the more comfortable you will feel with different topics. Be careful that the sample essays are not remembered. I’ve seen a lot of candidates make that mistake. Even if you get the same or similar subject in the test, the question’s emphasis will be different and so the response will have to address the question specifically.
IELTS examiner knows how to find memorized essays and will send zero no matter how well they’re written. Practicing writing 250 words in timed conditions is also essential. The handwriting must be excellent and readable. So, if you don’t feel comfortable writing by hand, then you certainly need to practice the skill!
We hope that you must be satisfied with what we have explained in this above section. IELTS exam is the English language testing system. Everybody knows that it is a challenging exam. It is quite understood that the IELTS Preparation will test your confidence, strength, stamina and many other test taking capabilities and English writing skills. With the help of these IELTS preparation tips, you can improve your English language skills and also correct your pronunciation and vocabulary mistakes to get a IELTS good score.